As the summer months start to approach us, so do the rising temperatures, which then leads to a rise in our air conditioning bills. There are plenty of ways to cut your air conditioning bill down and create a more efficient system.
Here are five ways to help protect your air conditioning units and your wallet.
One easy way to ensure an efficient air conditioning unit is by simply changing the filter when it is dirty. Dirty air filters are a huge drag on efficiency. After all, the more air that can be pulled into the system at once, the faster the air in your house will cool and the less time your A/C will spend running.
Many people neglect the physical air conditioning unit, which can cause the unit to overwork itself, and increase your bill. To clean the outside unit, throw away any trash that’s clinging to the condenser. Just make sure the unit’s off before you stick your arm in. Next, remove vegetation that’s threatening to grow into the unit and treat it with weed killer if it’s aggressive.
Another tip is to make sure your air conditioning unit is in the shade, such as under a tree. The less heat already being carried by the system, the easier to expel heat from your home. Blocking direct sunlight can make a huge difference with your air conditioning unit.
Lastly, to cut your air conditioning bill install ceiling fans and hang heavy drapes. By doing these small, but effective things, it can help decrease your air conditioning bill throughout the hot summer months.